Tuesday, April 1, 2008

You May or May not Know

What were you doing 10 years ago?
10 years ago I was 15 years old. I was working as a checker at the only grocery store in Grantsville- Soelberg's, and I made $5.15 an hour. (I think the checkers still make $5.15 and hour there!) I was on the yearbook staff, I was on the drill team, and I was on the track team. I went snowboarding for the first time. I had a big crush on Brad Johnson (a family friend from Arizona.) Once I turned 16, we dated for a year and a half.

I loved my friends, we would have so much fun! I would drive around with them, because I couldn't drive yet and they were all a year older than me. We would have sleepovers, talk about boys, go to the movies. Life was great!

5 Things on my to do list today:
1. Play a hilarious joke on my mom for April Fool's day (CHECK!)
2. Pick up the travel documents to go to Peru (CHECK!)
3. Scan in some photos of Peru
4. Vaccuum
5. Watch American Idol

My favorite treats:
Cheesecake, anything with chocolate, mint chocolate chip ice cream, brownies.

3 bad habits (or things I would change about myself)
1. I tend to think that everyone thinks like me, and when they do stuff that I wouldn't do or think in a way I don't think, I get frustrated. I need to be more understanding.
2. I let things get cluttered.
3. I pop my knuckles... I really need to quit!

If I were suddenly a billionaire, I would...
Go to Peru... wait I'm already doing that. I would go buy new shoes and purses! I would go get the dent in my car door fixed, actually I'd just get a whole new car! I would send money to peeps in Peru. I would BUY A HOUSE in a nice neighborhood, not in the ghetto (which is all we could afford now). I would buy season tickets to the Jazz (for Brady, not for me ;) I'd make a scholarship at BYU in MY NAME! Then I'd hand the rest over to Brady so he could invest it- he's good with money.

Places I have lived:
American Fork

Jobs I've had:
Server at the Ivy Garden
Checker at Soelberg's grocery store
Checker at scrapbook store
Teacher at scrapbook store
Publicity Assitant for the BYU Dance Department
Advertising Consultant for the BYU newspaper
Advertising Saleswoman for LDS Living Magazine
Graphic Designer for BYU Theatre/Media Arts
Production Assistant for BYU Newspaper
Marketing Coordinator for Reaveley Engineers

5 things most people don't know about me...
1. I hate it when things beep- like the microwave, the oven timer, or the dryer. I try to stop it before it beeps!
2. One of my pet peeves is when you step on something wet when you have socks on, then you have soggy socks.
3. I have been within arms reach of or shaken hands with: Pres. Hinckley, Pres. Monson, Pres. Faust, Pres. Uchtdorf, Elder Oaks, Elder Holland, the Presiding Bishopric.
4. I can't drive a stick shift- it is physically impossible for me! I can't reach to push the clutch in all the way.
5. I always have to put some kind of sauce on my food- ranch, tarter sauce, BBQ Sauce, gravy... whatever... I just need moisture on my food!

5 people I would like to tag are... Kendra, Holly, JaNeanne, Lacey, Amber


Amy said...

That's crazy, I was also working at Soelberg's! What great times those were. And just for the record, I got paid $6.15! Booyah!!! HAHAHHA

Anonymous said...

Thanks for tagging me :)

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Speak to the point