Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I Love this Baby!

No trick photography or special effects were used in the making of this film.


Sistahood said...

Hahahahaha!!! Enjoy it while it lasts :). I think I'm slightly more impressed by the fact that you are getting your house clean. I'm STILL trying to get that done.

The Mangelson's said...

hahahaha!!! what a good boy!!. I wish that was with Max when he was a newborn. I couldn't even turn on the faucet or he would wake up. What a good boy.

Tiff said...

I love it! Babies can sleep through anything. Keep doing that because Aspen is now 10 months and I can still go in her room and vacuum without her waking up. She just got used to it and nothing has changed!!!

Way to go cleaning already. I left that to my mom for as long as I could.

Lindsay said...

That was one of the most relaxing things I've ever seen on a blog. Watching him sleep was great!
I think I used to sleep like that - but I was about Stockton's age. Never since.