Sunday, June 14, 2009

Doin' what BIG BOYS do

Stockton is growing up so fast! I took him in for his 2 month check up and he had grown so much! He weighs 11 lbs. 13 oz. Which is the 54% and he is almost 22 inches long which is 14%. So he is living up to his name: Stocky.

But, lately he has been wanting to do what big boys do. Here are a few examples:


Holly is a Radio Disney dancer and they dance and play games with kids at different venues. We went to see her at the Living Aquarium in Sandy. Stockton and I danced together doing the Cha Cha Slide and the Hokey Pokey. RoShawn, Josh and Anellina were there, too.

He went on a fun little hike and took Stockton in the carrier. He LOVED it. He was looking all around and he didn't make a peep.

Watching TV...

We were holding Stockton and he kept cranking his head so he could see the TV. So we turned it to a cartoon, Aladin, and set him up in his bumbo. He loved it for a while, then got sick of it.

Chillin' on the couch...

I was holding Stockton then I had to run and grab cookies out of the oven. So I propped him like this on the couch and he was loved sitting up like a big boy.


Lacey Sue said...

My word, I laughed SO hard at the dancing video...he is a good dancer ;)!!! He getting chubby legs- I just wanna squish them .... grrrrr!!! He is growing, and they do that, with or without our permission. Little stinkers, I just love him. Someday, I would like to meet Mr. Stocky in person!

Anonymous said...

He is so stinkin cute, I love that he sits in his bumbo!