Monday, July 27, 2009

100 Things About Me

I saw this on Sharon and Amy's Blogs when they posted their 100th post. I didn't realize, but now I'm at 105 posts! So I'm 5 posts behind! But, here's 100 things about me:

  1. I love my husband's blue eyes
  2. I love my baby's blue eyes
  3. I am a legal midget
  4. My favorite color is purple... and has been for a long time.
  5. But, I'm becoming very fond of red lately.
  6. My love for the color red has NOTHING to do with the U.
  7. I hate the U.
  8. I love BYU!
  9. I graduated from BYU.
  10. With a degree in Communications Marketing
  11. And a minor in graphic design
  12. I do marketing for a living
  13. And graphic design
  14. I love my job
  15. I work for Reaveley Engineers
  16. I had some nasty potatoes for dinner
  17. I will never buy Great Value Southwest potatoes again
  18. I think my baby is the cutest thing ever
  19. I grew up in Grantsville, Utah
  20. I am the youngest of 7 children
  21. I have 5 brothers
  22. I have 1 sister
  23. I have 23 nieces and nephews (very appropriate for #23)
  24. My baby is grandbaby #24 for my parents
  25. My dad knows Spanish
  26. So does my brother Dustin
  27. Y yo tambien!
  28. I served a mission to Peru
  29. It was 2nd best decision I've ever made.
  30. The BEST decision I ever made was to marry Brady.
  31. I have a fish named Gipper.
  32. I've had him for almost 3 years.
  33. My fish is not lookin' too healthy these days.
  34. My flower pot isn't lookin' too healthy either.
  35. I had spinal meningitis when I was 18 months old.
  36. I got ran over by a truck when I was almost 3.
  37. I hit my head on our fireplace hearth and got a concussion when I was 7.
  38. I've never had a broken bone, unless you count the cracked skull from hittin my head on the fire place hearth.
  39. It was my brother Brad's fault that I hit my head.
  40. I've never gotten a ticket.
  41. I've only been pulled over once.
  42. I was pulled over in Stockton, Utah
  43. My baby's name is Stockton
  44. I wear socks with Lobsters on them when my feet get cold.
  45. My favorite food is fettuccine alfredo
  46. Some people say I look Italian (although I hear fettuccine alfredo is no where to be found in Italy)
  47. I also love Mexican food
  48. Some people say I look Mexican
  49. One guy told me I looked like I was from Turkey once.
  50. I've never eaten Turkish food
  51. I don't particularly like turkey (the food, not the country)
  52. I prefer ham over turkey.
  53. I want a big Strawberry Limeade from Sonic right about now.
  54. I drank homemade limeade almost daily on my mission.
  55. I also at suri on my mission... that's grub worm
  56. I think grub worm tastes like fried zucchini
  57. I also ate alligator on my mission
  58. I also ate turtle on my mission
  59. I was fed chicken innards on my mission, but I never ate them.
  60. I would put chicken innards in my napkin
  61. I used to feed chicken innards to cats and dogs on my mission.
  62. I am the 2nd counselor in Young Women
  63. I still feel like I am a young woman
  64. I can't text as fast as the young women
  65. My mom is about my same height, but her hair is fluffier so she looks taller.
  66. I love chocolate ice cream
  67. I love chocolate milk
  68. I love chocolate candy
  69. I love chocolate pie
  70. I love chocolate cake
  71. I love to travel
  72. I have swam with sting rays
  73. I love cats
  74. But, I don't want a cat.. right now anyway
  75. I hate dogs. I don't ever want one
  76. I love the Book of Mormon.
  77. I know that the Book of Mormon is true.
  78. I believe that any book that has gone through so much opposition to be saved, translated, published and shared must be true.
  79. I know that Jesus is the Christ.
  80. I know that he died for me.
  81. I know that he lives for me.
  82. I love to see the Temple
  83. I'm so grateful for my eternal family
  84. I'm so grateful for my pioneer ancestors
  85. I'm so grateful for my grandparents
  86. I'm so grateful for my parents
  87. I'm so grateful for Brady's parents
  88. I love the mountains
  89. I love to hike
  90. I love to camp
  91. I love to fish
  92. But at the same time, I love girly stuff
  93. I love to get pedicures
  94. I love to shop (although I try not to, too much)
  95. I love bubble baths (even though I don't have a tub right now)
  96. I really should be doing something else right now
  97. I should be taking care of my family
  98. I love my baby
  99. I love my husband Brady
  100. I hope you liked this post...if your still reading it.


The Mangelson's said...

That was fun!!! I loved to read it. You made me crave chocolate milk so guess what? I went to the kitchen and got myself a nice cold cup of chocolate milk. yummy yummy. :)

Sharon said...

Awww... loved the list! Congrats on over 100 posts! Keep 'em coming!

Leenz said...

Yay for chocolate and limeades!! (Not together, of course)

KMad said...

You're so fun! Reading this post just reminds me what a great personality you have! I miss you...and suri does NOT taste like fried zucchini. I actually like fried zucchini :)

Lacey Sue said...

That is one of the most eye opening lists I've ever read...I knew...but I didn't know you that well :)! Thank you so much for sharing...especially your testimony!!! Oh, and the part about chicken innards...very informative ;)!!!!