Friday, August 13, 2010

Grass at the End of the Tunnel!

We have been working on getting our front yard in and it's been a very long process. Major props to Brady and my father-in-law Rob who have worked endless hours in the 100 degree heat and even more hours after the sun has gone down. And of course thanks to little Stockton who is the best helper ever! After months of planning and a lot of man hours we finally have grass growing in our front yard!! Yippee!

Here are a few pictures of the process.

Stockton operating heavy machinery... I know it's not recommended, but hey, we needed all the help we can get on this project!

Anticipating the glorious green grass! Thanks to Uncle Jordan for supplying this high-powered mower to get Stockton into practice. He's gonna need it, being the oldest son!

You should've seen the delight on Stockton's face when they started testing the sprinklers! It was pure toddler nirvana! But, man... you should've seen the dirt ring after his bath that night!

Going for a ride in the wheel barrow with Grandpa! So much fun and excitement out in the yard! WAY better than anything I could be doing inside.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh he is the cutest thing ever!!!!!!!