Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Lately we've been able to baby-sit some of Stockton's cousins. He's loved getting to know them better. My sister's boy, Brock came over one day.

Stockton and Brock loved crashing trucks into each other.

And who said trucks are just for boys? Anellina came to play the last couple of days and these two have had a blast together!

Rolling around on the floor just laughing so hard. Who knows why?

Hot Diggity Dog from Rachel Haider on Vimeo.

They both love Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. They got so excited with the Hot Dog song.
Anellina was pretty adamant about watching Mickey again.
They wandered off into the laundry room and I found them both in the laundry basket.

Cutie little cousins on the front porch.

Grandma Haider came to pick up Anellina and both kids were loving being with her.


Amy said...

All Orgill & Haider kids are adorable!! I can't wait to see Stockton again soon.

Eliana said...

It cracks me up how Stockton does everything his cousin does. So cute. He is growing fast. I haven't seen you guys for so long. I miss you.

Sistahood said...

Our boys need to meet each other. I'm pretty sure they would be the best of friends. The cars they could crash together! The dance moves they could teach each other! Why do we live so far away???