Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Maine Trip: Day 5

We made a very soggy trip to Camden, ME in hopes of taking a trip on a lobster boat. But, the weather was so horrible that the Lobster tours were cancelled. We did do a little shopping, and headed back to the lake house.

On the way back we stopped at a little seafood shack and bought some live lobsters to boil for dinner. This was Brady's favorite part of the trip!

The lady picking out our lobsters.

Thank you Molly's Seafood!

When we got back to the lake house, the clouds had broken up a little bit, so we were able to spend some time out by the lake.

We decided to build a little fire out by the dock. Dustin, choppin' some wood!

Duster and Loie gettin' the fire started.

Brady and I took the kayak out on the lake for a little spin. It was fun, besides the fact that a HUGE spider started crawling on my face. It had been hiding in the belly of the kayak. Eww I just got the chills thinking about it.

Dustin and Rachel tried to go out on the kayak too, but there was a mishap during the launch, which resulted in a soggy and cold couple. Poor guys! At least Loie's got someone in her "Fall out of a kayak in Maine" club now.

Brady tried some fishing out on the dock a little more.

Then it was time to cook the LOBSTAH!!!

Into the pot she goes!

And a few minutes later she comes out nice and red and delicious!

We both enjoyed a whole lobster dinner our last night in Maine. DELICIOSO!!!

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