Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Legend of the Exploding Egg Yolk

I am coming to believe that a trick was played on me by Fred and George Weasley. I’m not kidding. I truly believe that a wizard of some sort pulled a prank on me this morning. It was just a regular morning- I got up, showered, got ready and then went to eat some breakfast. Yesterday I had made some hard-boiled eggs. I pulled one out of the fridge to eat it, but I didn’t want to eat it cold. So I microwaved it for one minute. It was a little too hot when I got it out, so I ran it under some cold water. Then I took the shell off, sat down to watch the morning news and started eating my egg. I ate most of the white part first- when I got to the yolk I decided it didn’t look to appetizing so I decided to squeeze the yolk out and just eat the white. As I squeezed it out- all of a sudden BANG! The egg yolk exploded with an audible pop. I couldn’t help but scream! Yolk chunks went everywhere! It was all over me- my hair, the couch. It was the weirdest thing. It was just like a joke that would be played at Hogwarts. Next time I’ll think twice about microwaving an egg.


Sharon said...

LOLOLOL!! Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes are at it again!

Anonymous said...

LOL! That's funny! I can only imagine the look on your face when it happened. I would have loved to have been there and see you with egg yolk in your hair. You always have funny adventures.

RoShawn said...

Its like it was trying to hatch, you didnt have to even sit on the egg it just microwave....Maybe thats the mother hen of the future :) Crazy ive never heard of that before.

Amy said...

LOL! You are so funny!