Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Teach A Man to Fish

So last week I got sick... like down in bed for 3 days kind of sick. Brady was so good to take care of Stockton for me. He stayed and worked from home on Thursday. He was so busy changing diapers, feeding Stockton and trying to get in 8 hours of work. So what did he do? He taught Stockton how to take care of himself of course!

He "taught" Stockton to hold his own bottle ... or maybe Stockton just happen to be in this position long enough to make it appear as though we was holding his bottle.

He taught him how to sit up in the big boy chair!

The truth is, Brady set Stockton down here and went to go do something. Then he couldn't remember where he left Stockton! He looked in the swing, the Bumbo, the activity mat... but no Stockton. Finally Stock made a noise, and he found him!

I'm just so grateful for Brady's help. I couldn't have done it without him and I didn't want to get my little baby sick. I quarantined myself in the bedroom and only saw Stockton from afar. This was about the only view I had of Stockton for 3 days... just in the doorway of my bedroom. It was killer! But, now I'm better. Thank goodness!


Amy said...

Oh my heck Rachel, he is getting chubbers! What a cutie-pie! I really need to see him (and you) again. Its been too long. He was just a tiny thing when I saw him and now he's growing up! What a cute post -- Daddy's always teach their kids to grow up and surprise us Mom's. Something I'll never get used to!

Unknown said...

oh my he is just adorable!

Lacey Sue said...

His legs make me giggle!! They have that chubby squishy look to them- I LOVE IT!!!! I think you need to bring him out here, so I can witness his new "big boy" talents!! He is growing so fast! What a handsome stinker!

Brian said...

big boy's growin' up too fast...i hope you're feeling better and able to help teach the little man some neat Rachy tricks