Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Welcome! Now, why are you here?

So, I've got a tracker on my blog that tells me where people are accessing my blog. I've found that people from all around the world are visiting this blog. A lot of you are young mothers, like myself. But, I'm just curious how you found my blog. So if you're a new visitor please leave a comment and let me know what brings you here. And have a happy day!


Mindy said...

'cuz I'm you friend!

Kara said...

I come because I like you!

Rachel said...

Thanks guys! I'm so glad you come visit my blog. But, I'm just curious why total strangers come to my blog. Just trying to figure it out.

Krista said...

Hey Rachel... it's Krista Hutchins. I check on ya often but I'm not sure how I originally found you. I usually show up as just "United States", I guess I represent the whole country! Love your blog!

By the way... when Jeff checks on our blog, he shows up as "Kansas City" even though he's in Salt Lake because that is where is company computer is based... odd but interesting.

Team Russi said...

I clicked "Next Blog". Your baby is adorable!

RoShawn said...

cause youre fun and great and make cute little kids whoops I mean kid. But seriously I admit in the past ive blog stalked. (I click on a friend and then randomly click on a friend of theirs and then a friend of theirs. Pretty soon Im in another country!) Ha

Luke and Tina said...

Hey Rachel...I don't remember how I found ya..but I am glad that I did.

Eliana said...

I keep checking your blog because I like you and your posts are always fun and I can know what you're up to. hugs and kisses

Lacey Sue said...
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Lacey Sue said...

Grew up with you, and believe it or not folks, we share the same blood. You wouldn't know it by looking at us! But I read your blog all the time, cause I love you and like to keep up with you and your darling family!

Rachel said...

I just came across your blog on Google reader. It's funny because my name is Rachel, and my husband's name is Brady! We live near Salt Lake too :) Small world!

Maxfields said...

I found you through my sister Melissa, but I do know you, so its not too weird. And as you can see I don't check out your blog very often. Your boy is so darling and I love the name Stockton, how cuter! My Xander is just a few months older, so I like to check and see the similar progression. Thanks for letting me look.
