Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Fun with Dirt!

On Saturday Brady and all the guys were haulin' in dirt to try to level out the backyard. Stockton wanted to be right in the middle of it all.

So he got his trusty shovel and got to work!

He had a blast playing in the dirt!

He was covered in it and loved every second of it. Then he decided that his little shovel kinda looked like a spoon, so started spooning it into his mouth. He threw a fit when I put a stop to the dirt-eating.

After a long day of diggin' in the dirt, it was finally time to head inside for a bath. But, he would not let go of the shovel!

So the shovel got a bath, too!

We adore our little dirt-lovin' boy!


Lacey Sue said...

Boys + dirt = fun beyond measure!!! What a cutie!!! Hope to see pictures of the yard when it's all done :)!!

Mindy said...

Cute! He needs s sandbox! :)