Sunday, October 17, 2010

Another Logan Trip

We made another trip up to Logan over conference weekend. The first reason we went was to visit Poppa and Teenser. Teenser fell and broke her hip, so we went to go visit her to hopefully cheer her up. She did perk up a bit when Stockton she saw Stockton. (For those of you who don't know, Brady's Grandma suffers from Alzheimer's and has been in a care facility for almost a year. She can't really carry on a conversation very well, because she's very confused. This makes her sad most of the time. But, kids really make her happy.)

Stockton and Poppa out on the porch swing.

This was the second reason why we went. The USU vs. BYU game! We had awesome seats that Brady's friend Zac got us again. Of course for me it was a miserable game because BYU lost. But, these two cheered their hearts out for the Aggies. And it was still a fun time.

Teenser loves cats, so she has several cat decorations around the house. I didn't realize just how many there were until Stockton recognized every single one and meowed when he saw them. He was pretty much meowing the whole time we were there. Here he is petting the rock cat that looks like their real cat, Shadow.

We stayed for the morning session of Conference. Stockton was running all over the place and wouldn't let us listen very well. So we took him in the other room and listened on the radio and tried to get some of his wiggles out.

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