Friday, September 2, 2011

Lina's back in town!

Anellina and her family came into town for a few days. Lina and Stockton had tons of fun together. They loved watering and picking flowers outside.

Running around.

Playing on the helicopter.

More running around inside.

They rode around on the deck for a while. Anellina figured out a way that she could get a ride on the back of Stockton's trike. She had to stick her legs straight out, but they had a blast doing it. Anellina kept telling Stockton to "Drop me off here, at the airport." And he'd let her off by the back door.

One evening we went swimming at Jace's house. It was a bit nippy, but so fun! Stockton and Daddy went down the big slide together.

SPLASH! Notice: no nose plugged and eyes wide open. Yeah, it was a little traumatic for Stock. He told me later, "Next time I go down that big slide, I'll close my eyes."

Holly and Lina played cute together.

And Grandma Shawna was there to give a helping hand, too.

We had a BBQ and then just as we were getting ready to leave Stockton got sick and threw up in the car. Little did I know that it would turn out to be a HUGE deal. He threw up the whole way home... and kept throwing up for 6 days straight! The poor little guy was so sick and we think he picked up some nasty bug at the splash park. It was so sad. And sadly a lot of the family caught it too :(

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