Saturday, October 22, 2011

Orgill Halloween Party

We held the "Kinda-Annual" Orgill Halloween party at my house this year. It was a hit as always.

The Dustin Orgill kids.

My little fam. I thought the the little suit I was wearing was my moms in the early 80's. She gave it to me along with a bunch of other costumes a while back. Uh... no... I was informed that it was indeed my Dad's SWIMMING SUIT that he wore in the early 70's. WHAT!? It barely fit me! How the heck did my dad fit into it?! And what the heck was this fad all about for males swimming suits? Gag!

Bryan Orgill fam, with Rachel Ann in the background. (Jackson is the scary guy)

Bryan and Dustin... with their scary costumes!

Dr. Mom and a Lobster.

Stockton roaring for the camera.

He was the cutest little blue dinosaur I ever did see.

Then the WWE crew showed up.

Brad, Niki, and Stratton. Stratton, or should I say Hulk Hogan, was in character the whole time, it was HILARIOUS! He also won "Best Costume."

Donahue kids.

Little Brock as Woody.

Rebecca and Kevin as marathon diehards!

The weather was so nice, we went outside to play a few games and then each of the kids got an exam from Dr. Mom.

Tons of Halloween fun!

1 comment:

zerry ht said...

Whoever came up with the idea of having a Halloween party is a good person because I haven’t enjoyed this much even on my own birthday. Last year we booked one of the Chicago event venues for the party and all of us were dressed perfectly for the night. This post reminded me of my friends who were dressed like this.