Monday, June 16, 2008


This weekend we went cabining. (Camping, but in a cabin!) We went to Brady's friend's cabin up Fairview Canyon. We had fun four-wheeling. We rode through some fields that were just covered with little flowers, and it was so beautiful!
We also went fishing! We went out on a little paddle boat and fished. We caught tons of fish. I caught the biggest one, but the littlest one too, so... I can't really brag. We filleted the fish and ate them tonight for dinner! They were soooo good!

On Friday night we drove down to the Manti Pageant (it's only an hour away from the cabin). It's tradition! 2 years ago Brady and I went to the Manti Pageant on our first date.


Anonymous said...

Fun! Sounds like you had a good time.

Sharon said...

Awesome! That looks way fun!

Megan said...

Sounds like lots of fun! Megan Butler grover