Sunday, June 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Dad and Grandma!

Yesterday was both my Dad's and Grandma's Birthdays. They are both wonderful people and I'm so grateful for their examples. They are both beacons of light in my life.

My dad has always been a rigtheous example to all those around him. He is a knowlegable spiritual leader. But, he can also be the life of the party! I love you dad!

My Grandma Lisenbee just turned 91 years old. She has lived a life full of selfLESS service, to her family, to her ancestors, and to all those around her. She is the picture of virtue, kindness, and humilty. I love you Grandma!


Alison said...

Happy Birthday, Uncle Ef and Grandma "B"! We love you!!!

Megan said...

Happy Birthday to both of you!!! Your Dad and Grandpa are so AMAZING!!!