Monday, July 7, 2008

Independence Day

We had such a fun 4th of July this year. I, like my friend Amy, absolutely LOVE the 4th of July. We headed out to G-ville on the 3rd. We had a little fire in the backyard and roasted hot dogs and made s'mores. Then we slept out in the tent. It was so hot and then the wind picked up, but it was still fun.
We went to the good 'ol Grantsville Parade. There were two actual floats this year I think. Here's some highlights of the parade.

Brady loves to hold Alyssa. And I just loved watching the parade with my love!

All the kids were so cute at the parade. They loved getting all the candy. Stratton loved it when the big semi-truck came along. He got him to honk!

Only in Grantsville does Napoleon and Kip show up in the 4th of July parade.

All the kids looked so cute in there 4th of July outfits. After the parade we came back to my parents' house and had a BBQ while the kids ran through sprinklers.

We took Emily and Ashley to the park for the carnival. They loved it! Here they are coming down the giant shark slide and riding on the swings.

The girls insisted on doing the Gladiator thing. They were hilarious! The helmets were way too big for them, and they could hardly even lift up the big sticks. But, they did good knocking each other off. Then they wanted to do the climbing wall. Ashley did so good even when a huge wind picked up she kept on going and made it to the top.

The fireworks were really fun. My mom and I made carmeled popcorn for everyone, just like my Grandma Lisenbee used to do. Stratton was loving the fireworks. I wanted to get a pic of Brady and me watching fireworks, but Brady closed his eyes on purpose because he said the flash hurt his eyes.


Amy said...

Cute pictures! I cannot beleive we never ran into each other the whole day! But I'm glad you guys had fun. LOL@ Brady for closing his eyes.

**Just a side note; you've GOT to get rid of the word verification! I just had a REALLY hard one!!

Anonymous said...

You always have great pictures. I read your post and remembered some holiday (I think it might have been. . . .perhaps a fourth of July?) that you and I went up to Grantsville. It was so fun! Anyways--you're too cute. I love what you post on your blog. Tell Brady "Hi" for me!