Friday, April 24, 2009

Two Weeks

I can't believe my little Stockton is two weeks old! To me he is looking bigger, but everyone keeps saying how tiny he is.

Today we had his two week check up. He gained a whole pound more than his birth weight!!! He now weighs 7 lbs. 7 oz. Usually babies are doing well if they reach their birth weight again. The Dr. was very happy and said that he hasn't seen a baby this healthy in months!

Stockton did a great job. Usually he hates not having clothes on. But, he did surprisingly well. He also peed when the doctor took a peek under the diaper!

But, then Stockton hated getting his little foot pricked for the PKU test. I've never heard him scream like that and it broke my heart! Poor little guy. But, after it was all over he calmed right down.

Also today I wanted to get his little hand prints and food prints in his baby book. So I stripped him down to his daiper, so the ink wouldn't get on his clothes, and I bundled him up and got him to sleep. I did a few practice prints that turned out great! But, then when it came to doing the real prints in his book, every one of them were smudged!!! But, oh well. After it was over Stockton was in deep sleep and was sprawled out and he looked soooo cute!

Here are some other random photos


Sharon said...

Hey poopster.

I cannot believe two weeks have gone by so quickly! Enjoy every second, cause I am in denial that Emily is almost four months old! It flies by!

I cried at each of the girls' two week appointments because that stupid heel prick is TORTURE. It was the first time I had heard either of them cry like that. Not fair!

I want to come visit tomorrow or Sunday. Let me know when I can come!

The Mangelson's said...

He totally looks bigger. I agree with you. He is getting to be the big boy.
I understand exactly how you felt with the heel prick. I was always crying inside and thinking he is such a good boy and he has to go through this torture. Not fair at all.
Those pictures are so cute.

Amy said...

Rachel, he is such a little doll. I love the Stockton sign. Where did you get it?

Rachel said...

I made the Stockton sign. The sign is metal and I bought it like that at Robert's. Then the letters are just wood and I painted them and put magnets on the back.

Sistahood said...

Shoot. Y'all made one cute little son. I would have to agree with everyone else on the "he's so little!" opinion. I never knew what it was like to hold a 6 1/2 lb. or 7 1/2 lb. baby - Thomas surpassed that weight when he still had like six weeks left in the womb. I love the sleepy Stockton pictures - and Thomas has that same Winnie-the-Pooh outfit (though he outgrew it a few weeks ago). What a cutie you have!

Kara said...

1 lbs bigger by 2 weeks! Awesome! Grow, little Stockton, Grow!

The Orgill Family said...

Can you say Baby Orgill. He is so cute Rach. We need to come see you again, the boys have been talking about him since we came to the hospital.