Saturday, February 20, 2010

Rub a Dub

Stockton LOVES the tub. And I love watching him in the tub. He is always so happy and has so much fun. I always just sit back and watch him in disbelief. I can't believe he is MY little boy and I'm so lucky to be his mom. I also can't believe he is getting so big and that he's so stinkin' cute! So I had to share these pics.
Let's see, we've got stratches on the nose, food all over the face, and a snotty nose. Yup, it's time for a bath!"Oh, sweet! I found a rubber ducky!"

I LOVE this picture because this was the look on his face when Brady walked into the bathroom. He was so excited to see Daddy.

You know Stockton loves you when he's willing to share his toys and the first thing he did was offer his rubber ducky to his daddy. Such a sweetie!

Mom having fun with the hair!


Sistahood said...

Love it! Aren't they so fun at this age? I can totally relate to the part about looking at your boy and thinking, "Is he really MINE?" I love being a mommy!

Eliana said...

so cute!!! my goodness when did he grow that fast? last time I saw him he was so little and it wasn't too long ago. Boy. he is so cute.

Amy said...

Oh what a cute babe!

Lacey Sue said...

Seriously, could his smile melt my heart anymore!?!? And those cheeks!! AH THOSE CHEEKS!! I just wanna nibble them ;) But I won't I will refrain myself! :)