Here's just a random sampling of the Madness that has been going on in our lives during the month of March.
"Look mom, a pelescope!" (Yes, pelescope, with a "P")
Stockton's "Boy Tea Party."
Stockton has been way into the iPhone lately. He plays games, watches videos, draws and rearranges all of Brady's icons. I came into the room with my camera and said "I want to take your picture with the iPhone." Next thing I know he was handing me the iPhone and it was all set to go with the camera app. That smarty pants!
He loves to watch music videos on youtube. He likes a few country songs that Brady looked up for him (Gag me! Hate country!) And I got him hooked on Mike Tompkins. He loves "Firework." I don't really know how he found it, but one day he started listening to Foot Loose. He loves it! He calls it "Cut Loose." Now he knows about every word.
Cut Loose from Rachel Haider on Vimeo.
Here's a little video of Stockton dancing to "Cut Loose." (I'm talking on the phone while I'm taking the video, that's why I keep saying random things.)
RoShawn stayed in town for a week with the kids. One day we went to Gardner Village, where Holly works, and had lunch and played.
Sitting on the "funny bench" with Grandma.
I celebrated my 29th Birthday, and my father-in-law Rob has a birthday 3 days after mine, so we celebrated together. I put my self in charge of the cake...cheesecake, of course!
Helping Grandpa open his birthday gifts.
Stockton and Anellina munching on veggies at the birthday party.
One night I came home from a RS activity and found Stockton dressed like this. It looked more ridiculous in person, but it was pretty funny. He had on a green and brown rugby shirt, navy blue sweat pants that were short enough to be capris, dirty white socks, and his Sunday shoes. You gotta love daddy's fashion sense!