Saturday, March 17, 2012

Bye Bye Binky!!!

I'm happy to report that we are binky-free!

Stockton has loved his "bunka" ever since he was a newborn. I was waiting until I got over my first trimester of pregnancy to really crack down and get rid of it. I tried to prep him for weeks, telling him that the Binky Fairy was going to come. I even asked him what he wanted the Binky Fairy to bring to him in exchange for his binkies. He told me he wanted "yellow suckers."

Then we watched an episode of Sesame Street where Elmo gets rid of his binky. And Elmo sings a song called "Bye Bye Binky." I kept singing the song to him for weeks. Then finally one night we put him to bed with no bunka and the Binky Fairy left him some yellow suckers (the wrappers aren't yellow, but the suckers are) and some Dinosaur chicken nuggets. He only asked for his bunka a few times, but really has been totally fine! I was pleasantly surprised! YEAH!!!

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