Thursday, June 19, 2008

4 Years Ago

I can't believe it. Four years ago this week I entered the MTC! June 16th, 2004. It was a very exciting, but nerve-wracking day. It was hard to say good-bye to all my family, but at the same time, I was soooo excited! But, I'm so grateful for all that has happened since that day. I had so many experiences and made so many friends on my mission, I would never give it up!
And I think about how much my life has changed since then. Now I speak Spanish, I've graduated from college, married, living in Salt Lake, and working full-time. It's crazy how life can change and how so many blessings can come.

1 comment:

Sistahood said...

Ohhh....the memories. Can you believe it has been 4 years? Sometimes I look back on that whole experience and think, "Did we really do that?" But what an increidble experience it was!