Saturday, August 2, 2008

Youth Conference

This weekend I went to Snow College with the youth of our ward. Again, it was so wierd to be a leader. I had so much fun just being one of the kids! We played fun water games, had a fireside, and a dance. The girls made a bet on how many guys would ask me to dance, thinking that I was a youth. They told me I couldn't turn a guy down if he asked me, because that would crush him. When I asked what I should say if the guy asks where I go to school I was instructed to say, "I just graduated." Then if they asked me for my phone number I was supposed to say, "1-800-IM-A-LEADER" It was so funny! But, no guys asked me to dance, so they lost their bet! But, I fast danced all night with the girls. And now I'm soooo sore! Here's some fun photos
We played game where we had to pass the cups of water over our heads. Just after that one game, everyone was soaked!
We loved the infatable waterslide, even all the leaders went down!

We had this race where everyone held poles and one person had to walk across them, then the people with the poles in the back, ran to the front keep it moving forward. Yes that's me up on the poles. And yes that's me on the slip'n slide. We've got such a great group of girls! They are so much fun and I love them to death!
While I was gone Brady went fishing with his dad and his brother. They had an awesome time and caught tons of fish! Brady caught the biggest one, this "hook jaw" German Brown.


Sharon said...

K - I cannot imagine having you as a YM leader! How much fun!! The girls look darling and it sounds like you had a blast!

Anonymous said...

OOOOOOO---slip 'n slide=fun! I'm glad you had a good time. Those girls are lucky to have you as a leader.

Amy said...

Looks like a ton of fun! I'm sure you were the funnest leader there!

Mortons said...

I know exactly what you mean by feeling like one of the girls. That looks like so much fun!

Jess said...

My, my... how do you guys get all these activities in!

Tell Brady that I am oh so jealous of his beautiful brown. As a fly-fisher-woman I know how fun they are to bring in!

[And I haven't caught anything that big since I was 14! Don't tell]