Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I've been tagged!
5 fears, 5 joys, 5 obsessions/collections, 5 surprising facts about you. Tag 5 people.

Five Fears
  1. Peruvians with guns, well ...anyone with guns.
  2. Losing Brady
  3. Losing my baby
  4. Scary drivers
  5. Silence
Five Joys
  1. Being married to the most wonderful man in the world- Brady
  2. Seeing my baby's 1st ultrasound!
  3. Feeling the spirit
  4. Seeing converts still active in the church
  5. Food! Especially when I've been craving something all day and then I get it!
Five Obsessions/Collections
  1. Graphic Design
  2. So You Think You Can Dance & American Idol - whichever one is on at the time
  3. Popping my toes
  4. Brady's earlobe (one is bigger than the other, and I like to pinch the big one)
  5. Journal writing- I've filled 5 journals since I was 12 and I'm halfway done with my sixth.

5 Surprising Facts About Me
  1. I hardly ever wet shave my legs- I LOVE my dry electric shaver too much.
  2. I'm ALWAYS cold. So don't bother asking.
  3. I have my own office at work, with a window and a great view! I don't think I really need my own office, or deserve one, but we moved into a new office and there was space available and they gave it to me! And I love it!
  4. I can't stand fruity gum, not even the smell of it. So Brady doesn't chew it around me.
  5. I HATE ironing, so I rarely do it.

I'll tag whoever wants to do this. I don't want anyone to feel obligated.

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