Thursday, May 22, 2008

Talkin' in My Sleep

So I've mentioned on here before, and some of you have even heard it yourselves, but I often talk in my sleep. I need to just start a regular feature on here updating you of the latest psycho thing I said in my sleep. Four nights this week Brady said I've been talking in my sleep. I've said completely incoherent and random things and I have no idea why my slumbering mind conjured them up.

On Sunday night Brady said I was wrestling around and he said, "Are you okay?" and I answered "We're good, we're good….. fantasy… YOU ROCK!" What the?! I have no idea.

Then Monday night I said to Brady in my sleep, "Hey go put this roll over there by the other ones, there's ten of them." He answered back, "Okay." And I said, "Thanks sweets." I have no idea. I don't remember dreaming about any rolls.

Tuesday night I said "I love the fur." Brady answered back, "You do?" and I said, "Yes." Then I snuggled up next to Brady.

Then on Thursday night I was falling asleep and I caught myself talking, I was about to say, "How many times have you been in this courthouse?" But, I caught my self and just said, "How many times...." Then I woke up and laughed my head off. It was weird!


Alison said...

I laughed out loud at this post. Hilarious!

Sharon said...

LOL!! You and James should get together and have sleep conversations some time.

Anonymous said...

Lol. I knew you got a little loopy when sleepy but I didn't know you spoke in your sleep!