Monday, September 29, 2008

Brady's Antelope

Brady went hunting this Saturday up in Wyoming with his dad. He got an antelope, and a good one too! This is Brady's first antelope and it's a very nice one, so he's very excited. It's a good one because the horns are long and wide, according to Brady. He named him "Longhorn." Way to go Brady! Now I know you're all wondering what he will do with it. I'm sure he will stuff the head, and his family will eat the meat. But, I won't be eating any... and I won't be hanging the head in my living room either. One day when we have our own house I told Brady he could hang his animals in his own hunting room.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Way to put your foot down Rach! I'm glad I don't have to compete with animals heads. Althought I do have fond memories of playing with the moose heads or whatever were in the Haider's living room when I was little!