Thursday, September 25, 2008

"Focus on the Brilliance!"

I know that this is a very exciting part of my life, expecting my first baby! Honestly no words can describe the pure JOY I feel! But, at the same time, I have been so sick, I can't even function. And I've been a total stress case trying to balance a full-time job, a calling, a household, family activities, a growing baby, and bad health. Today I've just gotta remember that it's all worth it and it will be over soon. Because at the moment, I am home, in my pajamas, sicker than a dog, with a sore throat on top of it all. I haven't showered in days, my apartment is a disaster, my family wants me to do this, my calling needs me to do that, work needs me, Brady needs me, but most of all my baby needs me to take care of myself first.

But, I got an email from a lady that I work with that helped me a lot. She said, that this time will be full of brilliance and challenges and I need to learn to focus on the brilliance.

So here's the the brilliance!

- The miracle of life is brilliant in itself, just the very way that I have a life growing inside me, depending on me for everything is brilliant! And that we have been blessed with this gift to have children, that so many people don't have or struggle with is brilliant!

- The fact that the Lord trusts me and Brady to be parents to his very special spirit child is brilliant!

- The support that my family, friends, and especially Brady give me is brilliant! Thank you so much everyone!

-The love and unfailing comfort that I receive from the Savior through his Spirit is brilliant!

- The blessings that I have to help me support and raise this child is brilliant! My amazing husband, my job, my education, my home, my family, and especially the gospel!

- Getting all excited to get all the cute baby stuff is brilliant! I get butterflies just when I see the baby section at the store!

- I have so many brilliant things to look forward to- the first ultrasound, hearing the heartbeat, finding out if it's a girl or a boy!

- The thought that soon I will have my precious baby in my arms is brilliant!

So thanks for letting me blabble on and focus on the brilliance for a minute. You have no idea how much this has helped me.



Leslie Draney said...

Hi Rach! I'm so sorry you're not feeling well but, I am so happy for you guys. It will all be worth it and it will be over with before you know it so keep hangin' on...good luck! Love, Weswie :)

Anonymous said...

You yourself are brilliant! Nothing brings more excitement into your life than a newborn baby will. Try and keep up the positive attitude! Like stated, it is so worth it!!
Love, Lorraine

Leenz said...

I can totally relate. There were times when I felt like something had to give, but you just have to take it one day at a time. You're right, there is a lot to look forward to!