Saturday, November 1, 2008

The DREADED Question: "So, when are you due?"

So I am now 16 weeks along. It seems like these past couple of weeks my belly has really started to poke out. But, I didn't think it was to the point where people in public would actually notice. I was wrong. Yesterday we were at Blockbuster, (I was not wearing what I am in the photo, I was wearing a much looser shirt, but NOT a maternity shirt) and the cashier guy suddenly said, "So, when are you due?" I think I made an audible gasp. Yes, I am pregnant. Yes, I have a little belly. But, WAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!! I just didn't expect the question from any strangers until much later in the pregnancy. The whole night, I just kept saying to myself, "When am I DUE? He asked when am I DUE!?" That guy is dang lucky that I'm actually pregnant. I guess I have now crossed the threshold of pregnant belly-dom.

But, at the other hand, it's nice to have visible evidence that there really is a little baby growing inside of me. (It's the size of an avacado this week.) It makes it more real. We had a doctor appointment this last week. I gained 3 more pounds this month. I'm right on track as far as weight and measurements. And we got to hear the baby's heartbeat, which was amazing. I love that little whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop! Everything seems to be going perfectly! What a blessing!

We were suppose to find out the gender on Thanksgiving day, but those dang doctors won't be in that day... I can't believe them! So we have to wait til December 4th.


Sharon said...

Three cheers for the preggo pic! I still cannot believe my Lil Rach is pregnant!! For some strange reason it makes me feel old!

K - you are freaking adorable and I love your little belly. Of course you are going to pop out, you have NO room in that body for the baby to go! LOL! You better grow some thick skin, cause even tiny little women like yourself get the strangest comments from people! Just know that you look amazing and enjoy your pregnancy as much as humanly possible!

The Watsons said...

I think that was my very very least favorite part about being pregnant! Wait until someone tells you that you look like your going to pop! I really had to refrain myself! I hope you're feeling better and you make a super cute pregnant lady!

Leslie Draney said...

I think you look darling! It's exciting when you start to show, it finally is a reality that you really are pregnant! Good luck!

Amy said...

yes, be prepared! some people think when you're pregnant, is a compliment to say "YOU'RE HUGE!" So watch out for those (Of course, you'll have something to say!). Anyway, you are darling!!! I'm so excited for you!

I saw your Mom blocking the entrance of Wall-fart today... in the handicap wheelchair shopping cart!! It was awesome! She looked way too young, I didn't buy her story that Ef keeps kicking her knee! But I did believe when she said she actually hurt her knee... ooh, good times in Tooele.

Lacey Sue said...

RACHEL!!! You look spectacular!! You'll get alot of those random strangers who think they have a right to rip down your fragile prenant ego...don't worry, alot of them are just dumb guys who don't know what a "due" woman looks like, or rude women that only wish they could look half as good as you do! Your beautiful!!!!

kabeaner said...

Skinny girls show earlier. So that's what you get for being skinny!! I loved when my belly finally rounded out instead of looking like a gigantic beer belly. So I loved the "when are you due" question! It meant I actually looked pregnant! So yay for you and your belly!

The Mangelson's said...

You look amazing!!! I had comments from people just walking by at walmart saying things like YOU ARE READY TO POP!!! or ARE YOU SURE YOU ARE NOT HAVING TWINS?. I hope you are feeling well and you look fantastic.

Mortons said...

Oh so cute! Rachel you really are so adorable pregnant. It's the short torso--you are doomed.

Anonymous said...

What's embarrassing is when you are my age and someone comes up to you and asks when my baby is due!! Hello! My baby is now 19 years old. Guess I need to get rid of my baby fat! LOL!

Kendra said...

You look awesome!

Loni said...

Rach, you look SO adorable! I love your little belly--and don't worry, it is only a LITTLE belly. I remember being so sensitive about my size when I was pregnant and I just don't think most people understand the last thing you want to hear is a comment about it. But be happy! You are past the awkward is she? or isn't she? stage and you just look cute. I'm so excited for you!

Leenz said...

Oh man. People love a pregnant lady! I know it will start to get old, but just smile-- you look great.

Lacey Sue said...

send me your email...I am setting my blogspot to private, so I need your email so I can invite you to view mine again...thanks!!!

Lindsay said...

You are a DARLING pregnant girl. :) ...and I can't believe a stranger asked when you're due. That is soooo faux pas!