Friday, March 27, 2009

Ducky Devotion

It has been a blast watching Brady prepare to be Daddy. Somethings he just doesn't care about (like how excited I was for the little tiny newborn diapers) then there are other things that he is OBSESSED about! Like .... Rubber Duckies! At my shower my Aunt Rhea gave me two little rubber duckies with sailor hats on. I set all of the baby's bath stuff in a basket and put the duckies on top of the wash clothes.

When Brady saw it he freaked! He loved the little duckies and got all excited for Stockton to play with them. Then the other night we went to Babies R Us to get some baby essentials. We walked by the tub toys and I reminded Brady that we had registered for some other rubber duckies, but we didn't get them from anyone. These were little sports rubber duckies. He just couldn't resist and he had to buy them! When we got home he opened the package right away and set the rubber duckies up by the other ones. Of course the basketball ducky is in front. He said that when Stockton's in the tub we'll set all the sport duckies in there and whichever one he grabs first that's the sport he'll play. Every time Brady sees the duckies he makes a comment and I just thought it was a cute little fetish.

Well, last night I realized it was a little more serious than I suspected. I had just done a load of laundry and the cream colored wash cloth was in there, so I took the rubber duckies off put the wash cloth down on top and put the ducks back in the order that I thought they had been in. A little while later Brady saw it and he got all worried and yelled to me, "Someone's been messing with the rubber duckies!" He was seriously concerned. I can't believe he even noticed! At that moment I knew he was obsessed.
Oh, and by the way... Brady took these pictures. I was laughing so hard when he did. Then when I asked if he wanted to get in one of the pictures he said, "No! It's is not about me, it's about the duckies!"


The Mangelson's said...

That is so funny and cute of Brady!!. Those rubber duckies are so darling. I can tell Brady can't wait to see little Stockton play in the tub, that's so sweet.

The Watsons said...

Boys and their toys! Whatever makes them happy right?!

Lindsay said...


Lacey Sue said...

Oh my word!! That is way too funny!!!!