Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Head's down! Thumbs up!

So, I've started going in for checkups once week now. I went in yesterday. I was really nervous, because I was convinced that the baby was transverse (horizontal) in my tummy! I could feel two big bumps on either side of my belly. I even had a dream that I went to the Dr. and he said the baby was horizontal and that I had to come back the next day at noon and he was going to try to get the baby to turn. But, the doctor checked things out and he said the baby's head is definitely down! So that's a big thumbs up!!! So what are those two bumps I can feel? I guess the baby just has really big elbows or something. Who knows. I am also dialated to a 1 and 60% effaced. Everything else is going just great. Babies heart rate was around 138, my blood pressure is good, and I've gained about the right amount of weight (okay, maybe a little more, but not much! I swear the Dr.'s scale is off) But, everything is just great and we are so happy!


Lacey Sue said...

OH!!! I am getting SO very excited for you, this is fun part of pregnancy...the end stretch where you can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and life becomes very exciting knowing your little one will soon be here!

Megan said...

It won't be long until you will be holding your beautiful baby boy in your arms! I am so excited for you! Good luck with everything!!!

The Mangelson's said...

I'm so excited for you. I'm glad that everything is going great. Keep us updated with everything.

Mindy said...

Yay! I hope the next few weeks are quick and easy for you!

Sistahood said...

I hope my breech baby saga hasn't made you paranoid about your little one :). Congratutalions on making it to the home stretch! Honestly, the last month was my favorite part. It goes without saying, but enjoy every minute of it - you will never be pregnant with this little guy ever again.